Sunday, 23 March 2014

Getting Started

Let the Games begin!  So there will be lots of topics I'd like to cover here hoping to get some of your own ideas..  I am thinking about our use of traditional language and how some religious terms can leave us feeling a disconnect.  Why can't we use different words if we wish?  Seems to me that if we take the time to select a word that essentially means the same thing, that ain't a bad thing!  I am also interested in talking more about the co relation between Trauma Informed, Resilience and Good Shepherd Care....what do they really hold in common?  BUT enough about what I want...I will write anyway.  Do you have things that matter to you that we can toss around?  Let me know.  Welcome to my blog;  I hope you will visit often and keep me honest.  I will write once a week.  Here's wishing we will have lots to share.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to hear some post from the sisters from time to time...tell us about what's happening with you in Toronto and how you are doing.
